How Skylights Can Help Clean The Air In Your Home Naturally

Roof Right: Exterior Home Remodeling Specialists in Maryland
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Skylights are an excellent way to bring more natural light into your home, but did you know that they can also help improve the air quality inside? Especially for homeowners in Maryland, where seasonal weather changes can trap stale air inside, skylights provide a natural way to ventilate and refresh the air. Not only do skylights brighten your home, but they also contribute to a healthier living environment by helping to remove harmful pollutants and allergens. In this article, we’ll explore how skylights can naturally clean the air in your home and why installing skylights is a smart investment.

How Skylights Can Help Clean The Air In Your Home Naturally

Answering The Question: How Skylights Can Help Clean The Air In Your Home Naturally 


How Skylights Help with Ventilation

One of the primary ways that skylights help clean the air in your home is through improved ventilation. Venting skylights, in particular, are designed to open and close, allowing fresh air to circulate in and out of your living space. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy indoor environment, especially during Maryland’s humid summers and chilly winters.

Removing Stale Air

Over time, the air inside your home can become stale as it recirculates through your HVAC system. Stale air often carries with it higher levels of pollutants such as carbon dioxide, dust, and chemicals from cleaning products. By opening a venting skylight, you can release this stale air and replace it with fresh, clean outdoor air.

Regulating Humidity Levels

Skylights can also help regulate humidity inside your home, which is essential for preventing the growth of mold and mildew. Kitchens and bathrooms, where steam and moisture accumulate, are ideal locations for venting skylights. Opening the skylight in these areas allows humid air to escape, reducing the likelihood of mold formation and promoting better air quality.

Reducing Indoor Pollutants

Many indoor pollutants, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), dust mites, and pet dander, can become trapped in your home. Ventilation is key to dispersing these pollutants and preventing them from building up. Venting skylights allow fresh air to flow in, pushing out the polluted air. As a result, your indoor air quality improves, creating a healthier space for your family.

Enhancing Natural Light and its Benefits

In addition to improving ventilation, skylights bring in natural light, which has its own set of health benefits. Sunlight has been shown to improve mood, boost energy levels, and even help reduce airborne bacteria. Here’s how natural light contributes to a cleaner home environment:

Natural Disinfection

Sunlight has natural disinfecting properties due to its ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV light helps kill harmful bacteria and microorganisms that can linger in your home. By allowing more sunlight to stream into your living areas, skylights can reduce the presence of harmful germs and make your home a healthier place to live.

Boosting Vitamin D

While this is more of an indirect benefit, exposure to sunlight through skylights helps your body produce vitamin D, which strengthens your immune system. A healthy immune system helps your body naturally fight off illness, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Enhancing Indoor Plants

If you have indoor plants, skylights can help them thrive by providing ample sunlight. Many houseplants naturally purify the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. The more light they receive, the better they can perform this process. Having skylights in rooms with indoor plants increases their ability to purify the air, enhancing the overall air quality inside your home.

Using Skylights to Improve Energy Efficiency

In Maryland’s varying climate, maintaining a balance between natural ventilation and energy efficiency can be challenging. Luckily, skylights offer an eco-friendly solution to both issues.

Reducing Dependence on HVAC Systems

By installing venting skylights, you can reduce your home’s reliance on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. On pleasant days, opening the skylight allows fresh air to circulate, which naturally cools your home without requiring air conditioning. During colder months, the same skylights allow sunlight to warm your home, reducing the need for heating.

Lowering Energy Bills

With the reduced need for artificial heating and cooling, you’ll likely notice a decrease in your energy bills. The combination of better air circulation and natural light from skylights makes them an energy-efficient addition to your home, particularly during Maryland’s temperate spring and fall seasons.

Where to Install Skylights for Maximum Benefit

Not every room in your home will benefit from a skylight in the same way. If you’re planning to install skylights with the goal of improving indoor air quality and natural ventilation, here are some ideal locations:


Kitchens are hotspots for pollutants like smoke, grease, and odors. A venting skylight in the kitchen can help remove these contaminants while also allowing steam and heat to escape, keeping the air fresh.


Bathrooms are another room where moisture and odors build up quickly. Installing a venting skylight in the bathroom can help regulate humidity levels and prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Plus, it offers the added benefit of natural light, making the room feel brighter and more open.


While ventilation is important in bedrooms, natural light is also essential for creating a healthy sleep environment. Skylights can allow you to wake up with the sun and enjoy fresh air throughout the day, making your bedroom a more restful and refreshing space.

Living Rooms and Hallways

In living rooms and hallways, fixed skylights can add significant amounts of natural light, creating a welcoming and healthier space. In addition, installing skylights in these larger spaces helps improve overall air circulation throughout the house.

Contact Roof Right For Skylight Installations In Maryland

Skylights are not only a beautiful architectural feature, but they also play an essential role in keeping the air inside your home clean and fresh. From improving ventilation to allowing in natural light, skylights are an investment in both your home’s value and your family’s health. At Roof Right, we specialize in installing skylights for Maryland homeowners. Whether you’re looking to improve indoor air quality or add natural light to your space, we have the expertise to ensure your skylight installation is done right. Don’t wait to improve the air quality and energy efficiency of your home—Contact Roof Right today to schedule your skylight installation. Let us help you bring more natural light and fresh air into your Maryland home!