If you are sitting at home and noticing that there is water leaking from the bottom of your fireplace, this is a serious problem that requires immediate attention. If this occurs every time it rains, the problem may originate from your roof or chimney. In either instance, you will need the help of a professional to have it repaired before water damage spreads to other areas of your home. So if you want to stop rain from coming down your chimney every time it rains, contact a professional chimney repair service for help.

The most common way a professional will be able to diagnose a leak from your chimney is a simple water test. The person conducting the test will deliberately pour water into and around the chimney until the cause of the leak is identified. This will do a few things.

How to Stop Rain Coming Down My Chimney: The Critical Steps You Need To Take

First it will check for structural damage to the chimney itself. 

A typical cause of rain leaking into a chimney is physical damage or deterioration of the chimney. The piece of your chimney that extends beyond the exterior of your home is subject to near-constant exposure to the weather, including rain, snow, and severe winds. All of these conditions can deteriorate the brickwork of your chimney, resulting in cracks and chips between the bricks and stones.

Once cracks emerge in the construction of the chimney, water can easily enter these areas. During the cooler months, water can freeze, thaw, and refreeze, causing the fracture to spread each time and eventually become worse.

It will identity any Chimney Crown Damage

Any damage to the chimney cap is the next likely cause of rain entering your chimney. This structure normally sits atop the chimney and has a sloping surface to allow rainwater to drain off and prevent it from entering the flue. If the crown of your chimney becomes cracked, chipped, rusted, or bowed as a result of physical deterioration, these concerns can easily impede correct water flow and allow rain to enter the flue. If there is an issue with your chimney’s crown, it will be most apparent during periods of heavy precipitation.

It will identify any Chimney Lining Problems 

Inside the flue of your chimney is a clay liner that protects the masonry from the heat generated by your fireplace and prevents rain from entering the flue. The clay lining may begin to crack and chip over time, necessitating replacement with stainless steel or specialty alloy pipework in order to continue safeguarding the chimney.

If you constantly observe water falling into your fireplace whenever it rains, relining your chimney is one of the most effective strategies to prevent this from happening. In certain instances, the crew performing the chimney relining may need to make structural alterations to accommodate the new lining, and it’s not uncommon for them to fix any minor issues they discover while servicing the chimney.

Identify any roof leaks around the chimney

Roof leaks are another major cause of rain flowing down your chimney and into your fireplace. Sub-flashing and counter flashing should be installed to prevent leaks at the base of the chimney.  Often the exterior piece of flashing called counter flashing is simply caulked to the surface of the brick.  Over time with expansion and contraction and the UV of the sun, the caulk fails, and the counter flashing separates from the chimney which causes a leak.  Instead, a reglet should be cut into the mortar joints of the mortar to allow for the counter flashing to be installed in between the bricks making it a permanent fix as it’s not relying on sealant to keep the chimney watertight.

These problems require urgent attention from roofing professionals. The water that you observe leaking into your fireplace is likely simply one symptom. Water that makes its way into your roof bed and below can eventually cause significant structural damage.

Fixing the problem and preventing rain from coming down your chimney. 

The first critical step in preventing rain from entering your chimney is identifying the problem. A skilled roofer can assess your roof and chimney flashing, and the Roof Right crew may inspect the chimney itself for problems with the lining, structural damage, or brickwork that has shifted due to settlement.

Once the problem’s root cause has been identified, the professionals you’ve hired can begin correcting it. Chimney repairs may not take too long, but if the problem has lasted for an extended period of time before you recognized it, the damage may be more extensive than anticipated. The correct experts can evaluate your chimney completely and precisely locate the source of your leaks, despite the fact that these problems are never pleasant to experience.

If you observe water accumulating in your fireplace whenever it rains, you should have a professional examine the issue as soon as possible. Contact Roof Right for a free quote on chimney and/or roof repair so you may resume utilizing your fireplace with confidence.